Thursday, July 26, 2007

ASP.Net Web Form Disable Autocomplete


Textbox control tries to auto complete entry.

A List of previously entered values are presented to the user to select.

How do you turn off this feature?


<form method="post" autocomplete="off" >

that's all it takes.

one note. this disables auto complete for the entire form.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Visual Studio 2005 .: Go To Definition... I Don't Want The Metadata

Programming in Visual Studio 2005.
Have a Web Form with some user controls.
Drop into the code behind of the web form, and then try and right click on a method of a user control. VS2005 will redirect you to some Metadata class object file.

Useless I say, useless. In this file, you will see the definitions for all the controls on the user web control.

1) When you start up a new project in visual studio 2005
File -> New Project ->
Project Type :: select c#
Visual Studio Installed Templates: ASP.Net Web Application
2) Build Application
a) make sure bin folder exists
b) build web application

a) open solution explorer
b) right click on "references"
c) click on add reference
d) click on "browse" tab
e) click on solution DLL in Bin folder

Visual Studio 2003 works fine. I guess the programmer who wrote this feature no longer works at Microsoft.